Door Gym Xtreme

Door Gym Xtreme
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  • Availability: Inventory
  • Rs 3,999.00

    Rs 3,499.00

Description :

Heavy Duty Door Gym bar features easy installation and is portable. Soft Cushioned handles make for a comfortable yet durable grip in 12 different locations for an effective workout. This chin up bar is compact ,result orientated fitness training tool for strengthening and developing your shoulders , back , arms , chest and abs .The chin Up bar is designed to support up to 300 lbs and fits most doorways from 24 to 32 inches wide .Some of the main features are as follows:

12 Unique Grip Positions For varied and challenging workout.
Easy Installation and removal ( Requires no drilling )
Can be used for Pull Ups , Sit Ups , Chin Ups and Dips.
Fits Most doorways 24 to 32 inches wide
Ideal for workout at home or at office.

Ideal for pull-ups, push-ups, chin-ups, dips, crunches, and more
Three grip positions, narrow, wide, and neutral
Uses leverage to hold against the doorway so there are no screws and no damage to door.
Fits most 24″ to 32″ inch Doorways
Requires Trim Up To 3.5″ Inches Wide Around Door
Dimensions 95cm x 25.5cm x 43cm
Easy to set up and removes in seconds.

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